As many of you know, I have long thought that 9/11 was an inside job. Now, I am sure. The evidence is too strong to doubt that. More Americans every day are realising the bitter truth but will the perpetrators be held to account? I doubt it; it would be "against national interest". Have the investigations over John F. Kennedy's assassination been made public almost 50 years later? We all know the answer to that. As much as I hated George W. Bush and his administration as much as I like Obama, but I think this is over his head.As I've been saying, in man there are some of God's worse creation and some of his best as well as all that comes in between. God save us.
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Slowly, slowly ... The fabrication falls apart !!
Charlie Sheen claims US government was behind 9/11
Charlie Sheen has prompted outrage in America by claiming that the government was behind the September 11 terror attacks.
Published: 7:00AM BST 11 Sep 2009
Charlie Sheen, who is the highest-paid actor on American televison, claimed that the official 9/11 story is a fraud Photo: AP In the lead up to today's eighth anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, which killed more than 3,000 people, the actor has insisted there was a cover-up by the Bush administration. He appealed to President Barack Obama to reopen an investigation into the attacks, the Daily Mail reports.
Sheen, who is the highest-paid actor on American televison, claimed that "the official 9/11 story is a fraud" and said the commission set up to investigate the attacks was a whitewash. He said the attacks served "as the pretext for the systematic dismantling of our Constitution and Bill of Rights" and claimed the administration of former president George Bush was behind them. He even hinted that Osama Bin Laden was working with the CIA up until 9/11. Sheen, who appears in the hit comedy series Two And A Half Men, made his claims in the transcript of a fictional encounter with Mr Obama, called Twenty Minutes With The President. It was published on the website of radio show host Alex Jones, PrisonPlanet.Com, two days ahead of Sheen's appearance on Jones's show today. Most of his observations make up the basis of all the conspiracy theories surrounding the terror attack.
-- "If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. & if they don't, they never were." Khalil Gibran "
J'ai entrepris d'élaborer ce blog pour rétablir la Vérité et la Justice sur la vie et le règne du Roi Farouk I(que Dieu l'ait en sa Misericorde et accorde la paix à son âme)
lundi 14 septembre 2009
mardi 8 septembre 2009
Le journalisme, l'histoire et l'étique
Le B. A.- BA du journalisme est que lorsqu'on porte une accusation, on se doit d'être précis pour respecter la déontologie et les normes de la probité. Faute de quoi, nous sommes en droit de qualifier cette accusation que porte ce journaliste d'insinuation perfide, malveillante voire malhonnête. Un journaliste est un chroniqueur de l’instant présent et n'exprime que son point de vue, mais il n'est en aucun cas historien et ne peut prétendre enseigner l'histoire à quiconque. Parler de "démonstration définitive" en matière d'histoire, c'est oublier ou ignorer que le fait historique, par sa nature même, échappe à toute vérification expérimentale. C'est à dire qu'en dépit de ses progrès et de la rigueur de ses méthodes, l'histoire reste une science conjecturale, la certitude mathématique ou scientifique lui est interdite, elle peut tout au plus prétendre à la vraisemblance, à la probabilité et, parfois à la certitude morale. Pour établir un fait, un historien a besoin d'un nombre suffisant de documents concordants, passés au crible fin de la critique, honnêteté intellectuelle oblige. Quant à la réécriture de l'histoire, elle ne peut être le produit d'une seule personne, mais c'est la résultante d'un travail collectif s'étalant sur plusieurs générations de chercheurs historiens et le résultat ne sera jamais définitif mais approximatif.
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.................. ce discours a une suite !
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